February 22

Meet Tess!

Before joining our 1-1 coaching program, Tess was really struggling to manage her health and fitness, alongside working a demanding job which involves night shifts, being a parent and general day to day life.

Tess knew what she wanted to achieve, but wasn’t really sure on gyms or how to get started and drive long term sustainable change in a way that she would enjoy.

Over 12 weeks Tess has managed 30 mins of exercise per day (on average), nailed her nutrition down to a TEE and found that she can achieve her health and fitness goals, eat what ever she likes, balance a career and be an awesome parent at the same time!

In just 12 weeks Tess has dropped an impressive 10.8kgs (just under 2 stone!)

Tess has dropped body fat, gained muscle and found herself loving exercise and making it part of her new “normal”.

Click The Button Below For More Information and Discover How You Can Transform Your Body and Fitness in Just 6 Weeks


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