Transform your health & fitness in 21 days!

If you're within 10 miles of Okehampton, we'll help you drop your first 10kg with just 2-3 game changing workouts per week.

Apply to join our 21 Day Kickstart Program today! 

We are the gym for people who don't like gyms.
We Offer:

Life-changing Results

With over 13 years in the industry, our proven personal training systems gets you to your goals, once and for all.


Each year we hold multiple events for our community, ranging from trips to climb Snowdon, summer BBQs and Black Tie Award Ceremonies, where we celebrate our members successes.


We are more than just a gym. We are a team of passionate coaches who are determined to ensure you reach your goals, within an inspirational community of like-minded people who are all striving to be the best version of themselves.

Your Transformation Pathway With Future Bodies

Step 1

Arrange a call with our lead coach

Step 2

Discover how we can help you

Step 3

Start on your 21 day kickstart program

Step 4

Look and feel amazing

Click The Button Below For More Information, and Discover How You Can Start To Transform Your Health and Fitness in 21 days!

Real People, Real Transformations

I have lost 5 stone!

Lorraine is the fittest and healthiest she has ever been!

Lorraine, 45, Okehampton

It has been life changing!

Alison feels so much stronger and is lifting weights she never thought possible!

Alison, 42, Okehampton

I've always struggled with the gym - now I love it!

Tim has always struggled with being consistent at the gym. Now he's regularly attending 3 sessions per week, is on track towards his goals and more importantly, is enjoying his journey!

Tim, 37, Okehampton

Future Bodies Can Help YOU

At Future Bodies, we understand that we all want to be the healthiest version of ourselves, but know that that can be difficult sometimes.

In order to become that version of yourself, you need to create healthy habits which enable you to lose weight, get fit and take total control of your health and fitness.

Our typical clients struggle with at least 1 of these 3 issues:

    1. You are stuck in a rut and caught in a stop/start cycle of wanting to take control of your health and fitness but ultimately ending up back where you started, or, in a worse-off position than before

    2. You can’t get yourself motivated to keep exercise as part of your life, and ultimately it slips by the wayside

    3. You have never found a long-term and enjoyable solution that fits with your lifestyle, getting you to your long-term health and fitness goals

We specialise in breaking that stop/start cycle once and for all, getting you to your goals.

We understand that you may have tried and failed in the past, which is why our 21 day kickstart program is so aptly named; we give you that kickstart to get you on the right track. We do this by following a step-by-step process, ensuring that this time, you get the results that you want.

Are you ready to take control of your health and fitness?

Step 1: Arrange a call with our lead coach
Step 2: Discover how we can help
Step 3: Implement our  21 day kickstart program
Step 4: Look and feel amazing

Features and

  • Okehampton's ONLY private coaching gym, where we guide our members every step of the way on their health and fitness journey.
  • Guaranteed results
  • We will provide you with a custom 21 day kickstart plan that is designed to deliver the very best results for you
  • We will train you to get maximum benefit and results through exercise and nutrition (recommended 2-3 sessions per week)
  • We will support you every step of the way to ensure you achieve your goals with us
  • We will hold you accountable to your goals on a weekly basis
  • We will design a customised meal plan that fits perfectly around family life (beer, wine and take-aways included!)
  • We are going to surround you with incredible and inspiring like-minded individuals doing exactly what you are thinking of doing right now!

Listen here for what our members have to say about us..

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be fit before I start?

Not at all! We work with members with a range of fitness levels, abilities, shapes and sizes!

I have a special dietary requirement?

That's okay, all our meal plans are tailored around you and your lifestyle

How long are the personal training sessions?

45-55 minutes

How many times a week should I be working out?

Between 2-3 times per week

What are your opening hours?

Monday - Friday 06:30-21:30
Saturday & Sundays 09:00-13:00


How much does it cost?

Our 21 Day Kickstart Program is £199.99 and monthly memberships start at £67.00 per month after your initial 3 weeks with us.

Click The Button Below For More Information and Discover How You Can Start To Transform Your Body and Fitness in Just 21 Days!